

Hubei Guangchen Pharmaceutical Phase II Construction Project Officially Launched


On November 8, 2021, the launch ceremony of the second phase project construction of Hubei Guangchen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was officially held at the second phase construction site. The ceremony was presided over by Peng Xiaopeng, the project manager of Huazeng Construction, the project construction unit. Lei Shaoqing, the chairman of the company's board of directors, Kuang Weidong, the director, Chen Shaoyan, the general manager, Xu Yong, the sales director, Zhang Hua, the quality director, Xu Zhenrui, the safety and environmental director, and Xia Qing, the equipment engineering director, attended the commencement ceremony.

On November 8, 2021, the launch ceremony of the second phase project construction of Hubei Guangchen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was officially held at the second phase construction site. The ceremony was presided over by Peng Xiaopeng, the project manager of Huazeng Construction, the project construction unit. Lei Shaoqing, the chairman of the company's board of directors, Kuang Weidong, the director, Chen Shaoyan, the general manager, Xu Yong, the sales director, Zhang Hua, the quality director, Xu Zhenrui, the safety and environmental director, and Xia Qing, the equipment engineering director, attended the commencement ceremony.

Hubei Guangchen Pharmaceutical Phase II Construction Project Officially Launched


The planned land area of this project is 20 acres, with a total investment of 155 million yuan. The main construction includes a 5+1 research and development building, a 4-story comprehensive warehouse, and a 3-story workshop. It is expected to be officially completed and put into use in August next year. After the completion of this project, it will greatly enhance our company's existing production capacity and lay a solid foundation for promoting the smooth production of new projects. At the same time, it marks a new level for our company in the research and development of new projects and drug quality assurance.

To ensure the smooth progress of project construction, the leadership team of Hubei Guangchen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. attaches great importance to it and has established a Phase II project work team to carefully study and develop construction plans, improve emergency response plans, and carefully deploy key links of project construction to ensure the timely completion of the project.

Hubei Guangchen Pharmaceutical Phase II Construction Project Officially Launched