

Hubei Guangchen Pharmaceutical: Gather in Yan'an to Start a Red Culture Journey


In order to inherit and carry forward the Yan'an spirit of self-reliance and hard struggle, and further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations, from June 27-29, all party members and management of the Party branch of Hubei Guangchen Pharmaceutical Industry jointly went to Yan'an to carry out a red culture tour, pursue the footprints of revolutionary martyrs, inherit the red gene, and draw on the strength of progress.

In order to inherit and carry forward the Yan'an spirit of self-reliance and hard struggle, and further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations, from June 27-29, all party members and management of the Party branch of Hubei Guangchen Pharmaceutical Industry jointly went to Yan'an to carry out a red culture tour, pursue the footprints of revolutionary martyrs, inherit the red gene, and draw on the strength of progress.


All Party members have visited Nanniwan, Baota Mountain, Revolutionary Memorial Hall, Zaoyuan, Yangjialing, Qingliang Mountain, and other places. Yan'an is a place full of red charm, crossing Zaoyuan and Yangjialing, walking in this base area that has settled down after the Long March, and feeling the confidence of the soldiers in the harsh environment at that time, who did not change their fighting spirit and firmly believed that the revolution would eventually win; Wandering around the Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Hall, reliving that glorious period of time and realizing that unforgettable time. Upon arriving at Baota Mountain, all Party members raised their right fists and solemnly vowed to review the oath of joining the Party and remember the revolutionary martyrs.


During the three-day visit and study, Party members and cadres were deeply educated and encouraged. Everyone has expressed that, as a party member in the new era, we should even more inherit the revolutionary tradition, inherit the revolutionary genes, always maintain the lofty spirit of hard struggle, draw strength from the Yan'an spirit, base ourselves on our own positions with loyalty, sweat, and passion, fully exert the exemplary role of the Communist Party members, and contribute a wide range of strength to the high-quality economic development of Yichang High-tech Zone.  
Chen Shaoyan, the secretary of the company's party branch, said, "Everyone should practice the" Yan'an Spirit "in their future work. What the company lacks is this spirit of being based on their posts, hardworking, blameless, unknown, and hard working.". As a secretary of a grassroots party branch, in future work, we must firmly shoulder the responsibility of the secretary to grasp the main responsibility of party building, adhere to the guidance of party building, and pool joint efforts for the development of Guangchen Pharmaceutical.  
Chairman Lei Shaoqing emphasized that in the future work, we should be able to endure hardships, persist, study hard, and be down-to-earth. We should inherit the spirit of martyrs and carry forward their character. We must constantly carry forward the "Yan'an Spirit" and strive to be a dedicated, hardworking, hardworking, and proactive Guangchen person.